Unspoken Gilbert Hill story | Precious Nature gift ignored by Mumbai

I was just about to entering college, then suddenly someone calls my name. "Hey! Deepak". I turn around to see who is calling me. It was my friend, Sandesh. I asked, "Hey, what happened? What are you doing outside of college? Are you not going late?". he replied, "We go every day to college, so today I decided to bunk the college and go to someplace. So I am asking you for a college bunk together". I agreed and joined his friend's group. On the midway, I asked Sandesh, " where are we going? Then Sandesh said one of his friends bring a DSLR with him for the photoshoot (not a professional one) for just the sake of an excellent picture to upload on social media. We need some superb location, so we are going to Gilbert hill, which is nearby Andheri.

I Never visited Gilber hill and never heard about it. I imagine it will be an ordinary hill. But when I got there and saw it, I was shocked. It looks like someone put 200 ft giant rock middle of buildings. Also, locals are dumped garbage near hills. I said, "what the Hill Sandesh, where you bring us?." he said it a not ordinary hill; this Hill is 66 million years old made with volcanic Lava, and this kind of structure is only three in the whole world." I thought he is kidding me. So, I immediately bring out my phone from my pocket, not for a selfie, for searching about gilbert hills. On Wikipedia, there not much information given as I wanted, so I asked locals. There was a man who already made one book on gilbert hill. I asked him

What did the Locals say to me?

66 million ago, it was the age of reptiles or the age of dinosaurs. But A large meteorite crashed into the Gulf of Mexico, causing a massive tsunami and a climate disruption that killed up to 80% of the world's animal and plant species. The volcanic eruptions were also responsible for the destruction of plant and animal life during that era. Molten Lava was squeezed out of the earth's clefts and formed a vertical monolith column of black basalt rock in India and given Mumbai a giant 200ft tall Hill. The Hill has been named after geologist Grove Karl Gilbert. From that era to now, gilbert Hill is Situated in Mumbai.

Do you know? 

There are only two other formations like this in the world. These are the Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming and the Devils Postpile National Monument in eastern California, USA.

Think that gilbert hill has such a rich history. But what people did? According to Locals, Hill is spread 52 Acre in Mumbai, but people cut it and made buildings around it. They leave a small portion of Hill for the sake of historical preservation. The Hill was declared a Grade II heritage structure by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM). However, people litter here and dumped garbage. When I see gilbert hill, I feel so disappointed—Gilbert hill, a Mother Nature gift for Mumbai, and what we are doing with it. On the top of Gibert hill, there is a Devi temple. Because of that temple, gilbert hill is a little bit well maintained; otherwise, you may never know their Gilbert hill existed.

What Can We Do?

We make people aware of this Natural Phenomena. We can make it a better tourist spot like other Countries are doing with their heritage structure. (this idea already came to mind of local government but didn't execute properly.)


When Uncle was telling me the whole story. I have seen the spark of hope in his eye like, "He wants to let aware everyone about that gilbert hill and save it". Sandesh came and said, "Hey! Deepak, what time pass you are doing here. Come up and get clicked some good picture of your,". 

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